New Zealand
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About Possibility Management
Possibility Management empowers you to change directions and create a regenerative way of life. With new thoughtware and a new way of living you can create completely new results not dependent on the circumstances. It works by converting inner barriers into fertilizer, doorways, rocket ships, or avoidable mud puddles along your path of evolution.
Possibility Management is upgraded thoughtware for catalyzing change in the physical, intellectual, emotional or energetic obstacles blocking you and your team from using non-obvious possibilities.
For more than 40 years the originators of Possibility Management have passionately shared open-code tools and distinctions that bring people into greater coherence.
Today a worldwide community of trainers works tirelessly and highly inspired together to implement the shared vision of a global shift: build bridges between modern culture which brings humanity to its limits, and the next cultures where archetypal initiated men and women collaborate: Archiarchy.
99% of the possibilities available right now are invisible to us.
Did you ever try to change something in your life?
The human mind is able to imagine a perfect result but the actual change doesn’t happen in the mind.
Outer change starts with inner change.
Supporting each other.
There is a life before the Expand The Box Training and one after that.
Probably you learned how to survive in conditions that no longer apply. Even if a decision is forgotten it still shapes your life. The standard thinking and behavior patterns you adopted from your parents, your culture, and your education system could severely limit both, the quality of your relationships and your ability to respond creatively to the opportunities and challenges of life.
4/5-day residential Training
Expand The Box is the core Training and qualifies you to attend a Possibility Lab
The training day starts at 9 am and ends at 10 pm except for the last day which ends at 4 pm.
Training fee: $700-950 sliding scale + logistics fee.
For repeaters, the sliding scale starts from:
2nd ETB $400 / 3rd ETB $200 / 4th ETB $100. No training fee from the 5th ETB.
Trainer: Ana Norambuena &
Devin Gleeson
Organiser: Jacopo Lombardo
There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
The purpose of a Possibility Lab is to crate doorways and internal capacity to bring more consciousness in every day life.
Healing and initiatory processes into adulthood.
Completing Expand The Box qualifies you to attend a Possibility Lab.
Possibility Labs are spaces of grow, connection, initiation and high level fun!
Creating Next Culture. Together.
Although both beginners and advanced participants join the training at the same time, the learning turns out to be very personal, addressing individual topics. It is a tradition in Possibility Management that advanced participants share their experiences with new participants.
Each participant is met where they are and goes through those particular processes which are most valuable for him at this stage in their life.
4/5-day residential Training
We all come together as a village.
We set up and take down the training spaces together, prepare meals, and clean-up together. This builds the practical capacity to create a learning community: ongoing collaboration.
The training day starts at 7 am and ends at 10 pm. Except the last day which ends at 4 pm.
Training fee: $700-950 sliding scale + logistics fee
For Possibilitators* the sliding scale starts at:
11th Lab $450 / 12th Lab $350 / from 13th Lab $250
For ETB Trainer, the fee is $0 after the 10th Lab.*Doesn't include specialty Labs, such as women's and men's lab, Feelings Practitioner Labs, etc.
Transformation depends of Trainers the way surgeries depend on surgeons.
Possibility Trainers are called to facilitate transformational thoughtware upgrades and support healing and authentic adulthood initiations through delivering services with excellence for individuals, couples, groups, and gameworlds.
Clarity. Transformation. Love.
Besides single and couple coaching Ana offers Expand The Box Trainings, Possibility Labs, Trainer Trainings and works with teams, businesses and communities.
Ana is the main Spaceholder of Possibility Management Aotearoa.
Love. Evolution. Authenticity.
Maria Rita holds space for single coachings, Rage Clubs and holds ongoingly reasearch for healing and initiation into adulthood.
She is part of the founder team of Ontree Archiarchy Invention Centre.
Maria Rita is an Expand The Box Trainer in training.
Simplicity. Love. Presence.
Jacopo is a pioneer for Archiarchy and a Possibility Coach who offers 1 on 1 coaching sessions, emotional healing processes and Rage Clubs.
He is part of the founder team of Ontree Archiarchy Invention Centre.
Jacopo is an Expand The Box Trainer in training.
All Possibility Management events are based on radical responsibility.
JANUARY 23-26, MOTUEKA // With Ana Norambuena
It is time to change the deal between men of not interfering in one another’s lives, and to learn to feel.
And it is time to drop the mother's breast and create our own aliveness.
During the first Lab for Men we discovered that men are more sensitive than we know, and in order to join patriarchy we cut ourselves off from our heart and our aliveness at a deep level.
Brotherhood in Archiarchy is yet to be unleashed...
The Lab for Men is a space for men to take the courageous steps to drop our shows, and unleash the feelings, sensitivity, inspiration, aliveness, connection and creativity beneath.
FEBRUARY 7, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine.
Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills through practical actions.
FEBRUARY 13-16, MOTUEKA // With Ana Norambuena and Devin Gleeson
Expand the Box is the core training of Possibility Management. In this 4/5-day experiential training you will get possibilities to Reconnect with your feelings as one of your inner resources. Be present. Shift your drama into creation and possibility. Unfold your potential. Practice being part of a team and authentically relate to others. Discover what blocks you from thriving.
Become the conscious creator of your life
FEBRUARY 20-23, GOLDEN BAY // With Ana Norambuena
Woman. Starting with where you are—your ‘X’ on the map—you will explore the often hidden layers of your sexuality. This journey will take you into the depths of your underworld, where you will confront long-held beliefs, secret fantasies (such as being dominated or dominating), and shame tied to your body, intimacy, and sexuality.
As you uncover these layers, you’ll discover a new way to relate to your sexual energy, unfolding what’s truly possible—what you want and what you don’t—while stepping into your full aliveness.
Let’s discover this together.
MARCH 7, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine. Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills
MARCH 13-17, MOTUEKA // With Ana Norambuena
This Lab invites you to experiment with radically dropping all distractions of your survival mechanisms to minimize your now and allow intimacy to unfold in ways you cannot predict or control. It provides a rapid learning environment to practice weaving non-linear forces and create in present moment the relating you truly want.
APRIL 10-13, MOTUEKA // With Ana Norambuena
The journey to fulfill your potential can take many different directions. It often begins with work on yourself.
Your healing. Your evolution. Your transformation. Your path. As you journey through your Healing, Transformation and Evolution, you start discovering that you are not separate from Gaia.
There may come a time when you find out that part of your unfolding in the taking responsibility for the evolution of Gaia, is to deliver your transformational work to others. You may also find that delivering transformational work is ecstatic and that evolution never ends!
APRIL 18, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine.
Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills
JUNE 20, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine.
Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills
AUGUST 15, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine.
Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills
SEPTEMBER 19, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine.
Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills
OCTOBER 17, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine.
Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills ext here.
NOVEMBER 21, MOTUEKA // With the legendary Marahau Possibility Team
Pre-requisite: Expand The Box Training
Possibility Team is a place for Archiarchy to be lived. The space is safe for unfolding the dynamics of a culture where the archetypal initiated adult feminine creatively collaborates with the archetypal initiated adult masculine.
Possibility Team is a kitchen in which you all come together and prepare and devour five body foods. Since physical and intellectual foods are abundant in modern culture, mostly what we long for are emotional, energetic and archetypal body foods. However, to keep things in five body balance, also keep including physical and intellectual foods. The mind needs to understand why feeling and energetic skills are needed, and the body needs to experience and apply the skills d paragraph text here.
You find here all events which support the context of Possibility Management.
Click on the event for more details and registration.
Contact Us
+64 020 408 77083